
Veterans Construction Job Fair Recap

06-05-2018 | Blog

In May, we hosted a Veterans Construction Job Fair at our Pompano Beach, Florida location. The event was organized by our very own Jeanette Alston-Wilkins, Customer Relations Specialist. It was designed to bring employers from the construction industry together in one place to meet veterans who are looking to join the construction industry. In total, 16 companies participated in the job fair with more than 50 open positions ranging from account management and administration roles to crane operators, roofers and more.

During the event, we had the opportunity to talk with some of the veterans who attended and get their thoughts on working in the construction industry. What we found was that they felt the construction industry was a good fit for the skillsets they learned while serving. Here are a few responses that stuck out during our conversations:

“For me, I am an ocean engineer and ocean structures have a lot to do with the construction industry. So I do feel that I have a lot to offer in the industry,” said Ron Davidson. “While serving, I was a heavy equipment mechanic and that is all construction equipment.”

“What people don’t realize is that the construction industry needs controllers, administrators and clerks. It is not only the roofer, the iron worker or the crane operator. So, I am very glad I came to this event, it has been very, very beneficial,” said Roger Koch.

“I think that there is a good opportunity in the construction industry and you can succeed in it,” said Keith.

While talking with the companies in attendance, it was clear that they have a large number of openings and that they feel hiring veterans is beneficial to their business. Some of the reasons that the companies in attendance love to hire veterans are due to their proven discipline, strong work ethic, and willingness to learn. Many of the companies have had positive experiences hiring veterans, and often specifically seek out veterans when looking to fill new positions.

The veterans had the chance to meet with each company and learn more about their open positions and opportunities. When we asked the attendees if the event benefited them and allowed them to learn about new companies or positions available in the industry, we received great responses:

“Absolutely, I probably knew of one roofing company in the area, and there are like 15 right here. So, it definitely helped,” said Carl.

“One-hundred percent. This opportunity supported my belief that there are many opportunities within this industry. Especially now in Florida, you see a lot of new cranes and buildings going up,” said Roger Koch.

Definitely, I knew nothing about these companies, in fact, one is calling me right now to come over and talk to him once we are done. So, who knows, we will see how it goes,” said Ron Davidson.

The feedback from the attendees was very positive and they seemed to have enjoyed the event and made great connections. At the end of the day, many of the veterans who attended the fair left with interviews scheduled for the following day, making for a successful event in our minds! Keep an eye out for more of these events from SOPREMA!