
SOPREMA® Offers Low-Odor, Solvent-Free Adhesive for Installation on Occupied Structures

10-16-2017 | Roofing, Media

WADSWORTH, OH (October 11, 2017) When applying roofing materials to important structures such as schools and hospitals without disrupting activities below, eliminating odor and solvent use from the jobsite is important. That is why SOPREMA® developed COLPLY® EF adhesive, a low-odor, single-component polymer-modified membrane adhesive specifically formulated for SOPREMA sand-surfaced SBS-modified bitumen plies. COLPLY EF can be applied without fear of negatively affecting building occupants and, upon curing, it provides additional layers of elastomeric waterproofing protection between plies.

SOPREMA’s prefabricated SBS-modified bitumen membranes provide ease of application and flexibility for the installer, accommodating various application methods, including heat welding, cold adhesives, self-adhesive, mechanical fastening and hot asphalt. Zero-VOC COLPLY EF adhesive is designed to allow multiply protection for highly sensitive applications, offering a non-hazardous and flameless solution. It is a safe alternative for buildings that require uninterrupted operations as occupants go about their daily routines during construction.

“We developed COLPLY EF to be the zero-VOC, single-component product installers need to do tough, sensitive jobs,” explained Matt Davis, product manager at SOPREMA. “It allows buildings with vulnerable populations such as schools and hospitals to gain an additional layer of elastomeric waterproofing protection without concern for effects of odors or other chemical compounds on bystanders.”