

Why Invest In Training Employees? Contractors learning in a classroom setting

Training employees not only improves their skill sets and efficiency, it also shows them that you are committed to their growth. Whether it is a presentation on the history of roofing or product and safety training, it is important to offer a variety of opportunities to your teams. We compiled a list of some of the top reasons to start, or continue, training your crews today.


Increase Efficiency

When a job is awarded to your company, the customer is entrusting your crew with the installation of their project. Whether they are installing a roof, wall system, waterproofing membrane or any other technology, the crew needs to be efficient in their work. By providing your team with training, they can expand their knowledge on the products and installation methods. The more practice they have with the product or system they are installing, the more efficiently they will be able to complete the project, eliminating failures. Keep in mind, practice makes perfect, or close to it.


Retain Employees

If your employees feel appreciated, they are more likely to stay with your company. By investing in their training and professional development it shows them that you are willing to put the time and effort in to seeing them grow as a professional. This can build loyalty and keep your employees committed to your company. Many employees look at professional development as an additional benefit through their employer and look for this when selecting a company to work for.


Maintain a Competitive EdgeContractors learning with hands-on training

Having a team of employees who have participated in continued training and education gives your company a competitive advantage in the industry. If your company is known for having educated and skilled workers who get the job right the first time, it is more likely that a potential client would select you over the other applicants.


Safety on the Job

Safety training should be a staple in every company’s training program. The more training you provide for your employees on worksite safety, the less likely it is that an employee will get hurt on the job. No one wants to see an employee sent to the hospital, or worse. Safety training should be one of the top priorities when it comes to your training program.


Not Sure Where to Start?

If you do not already have an extensive training program in place, it might be overwhelming to determine where to start. Luckily, in the construction industry there are many organizations that are dedicated to education and training. Here are a few organizations that have resources to help get you started and guide you on how to build your own program:


Casey, Ashley. “5 Reasons Why You Need To Invest In Employee Training .” ELearning Industry, 28 July 2016,

Eubanks, Ben. “If You’re Not Offering Career Growth, You Could Be Losing Valuable Employees.” Spark, 3 Sept. 2017,

Halvorson, Chad. “5 Reasons You Should Be Investing in Employee Development.”, Inc., 18 Aug. 2015,

Winke, Jeff. “Taking Control of the Future Brings Success.”


Learn about other ways to combat the shortage

There are a variety of options when it comes to cost savings. Whether you are looking to save on project timelines or labor costs, there is a solution to help alleviate some of your hardships. Learn about some of the different steps you can take to stay ahead of the competition.

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