
THE PUSH Spring 2021

June 2021


Spring Edition



Tim joined SOPREMA in February 2012. He has over 30 years’ experience in the roofing industry. He’s active with many industry organizations including ARMA, NRCA, IIBEC, ASTM and others. He’s the author of numerous publications covering SBS-modified bitumen and PMMA liquid technology.

Building. Protecting. Sustaining. Today and Beyond

Who could have predicted a year ago that we’d have had our first-ever virtual National Sales Meeting due to a global pandemic? I certainly couldn’t, but that’s what happened!

That darn C-bug disrupted a lot last year, but it did not disrupt the will of the SOPREMA team. You improvised and overcame the challenges set before you. In fact, not only did we survive, but you put us in a position to thrive! We learned to survive remotely, thanks to digital tools like Salesforce and Office 365.

Marketing news


At SOPREMA and DERBIGUM Americas, Inc., we strive to deliver 7-Star Service by providing best in industry service and best in world customer service. With that goal in mind, we are excited to announce the next step in improving our customer experience, e-commerce.

SOPREMA & DERBIGUM Launch E-Commerce

Jennifer Kramer, Senior Strategic Communications Manager

What can I say about training in 2020? It was a year of change. It was a year of learning, teaching, coaching, encouraging and accountability.

Training in 2020

Pam Barnes, Learning and Development Manager

Remember: you can find this nomination form on SharePoint. Fill it out in detail, save locally, and attach it to an email to to help us recognize our shining stars each month! Nominees will be featured each month on the Marlin boards, and prizes are awarded at year's end!

Submit 7-Star
Service Nominations


As some folks know, we kicked off a new sales department this year called The Sales Development Team, headed by Josh Harsh, who is piloting our services to the Northeast region only.

New Sales Development Team Sets High Bar for Itself

Frank Griffith, Vice President of U.S. Sales and Marketing

Learning Through Leading

Laura Brocklehurst, Director of Human Resources and Organizational Development


Do You Have Zoom Fatigue?

Shawnté Gauthier, Executive Assistant

Email Do's and Don'ts

Todd Jackson, General Counsel, North America

To Submit Stories,

Building. Protecting. Sustaining. Today and Beyond

Who could have predicted a year ago that we’d have had our first-ever virtual National Sales Meeting due to a global pandemic? I certainly couldn’t, but that’s what happened!

That darn C-bug disrupted a lot last year, but it did not disrupt the will of the SOPREMA team. You improvised and overcame the challenges set before you. In fact, not only did we survive, but you put us in a position to thrive! We learned to survive remotely, thanks to digital tools like Salesforce and Office 365. (I don’t say teleworking because it just sounds too much like an old children’s show. That may lead to some research with our more youthful collaborators.) Our manufacturing teams never missed a beat, literally keeping the doors open throughout the entire year. I have said it numerous times and will repeat it here; our “essential workers” deserve our endless gratitude for their work over the last 15 months. While other commercial roofing manufacturers saw declines in sales, we outpaced the market and our competition. Heck, we even gained market share. Kudos to you and SOPREMA.

What all this means is that across all our brands, we have a dedicated team of collaborators who are committed to building a successful organization. Each year, I’m honored to recognize just a handful of these individuals with top sales awards.

Join me in congratulating:

Luke Legrand (Conner-Legrand, Inc)

Independent Sales Representative                  (ISA) of the Year

Steve Irvin

Salesperson of the Year

Monty Greenstreet

Mammouth Spirit Award

Ignacio Bernal

7-Star Service Award

Bill Givens

The Golden Warranty

NYC Sales Team

Emphasis Product Sales ALSAN® RS

Steve Irvin

Emphasis Product Sales SG

Kevin Taylor

Emphasis Product Sales COLPHENE® BARR


Roofing Systems Sales

Bill Givens


Steve Irvin

Top Dollar Business Sector Roofing

Maciej Tobolewski

Top Dollar Business Sector Waterproofing

David Hill

Top Dollar Business Sector Walls

Chris Torsey

Largest YOY % Sales Volume Increase

Kevin Athmer

Best Individual Pricing


Highest Accessory Sales Region


Largest Sales Volume Region


Largest YOY % Sales Volume Increase Region


Largest Profit Region


Largest Profit Margin Region

Neil Smith

Highest ConstructConnect Leads Converted to CPOs

Maciej Tobolewski

Most Spec-Driven CPOs (Sales Rep)

Jack & Matt Kuhlman                    (MidSouth Specialty Products)

Most Spec-Driven CPOs (ISAs)

Maciej Tobolewski

Most CPOs (Sales Rep)

Luke Legrand (Conner-Legrand, Inc.)

Most CPOs (ISAs)

Melody Jackson

Most AEC Sales Cycle

Chris Torsey


Maciej Tobolewski

Salesforce Champion



Dale Cisco

Salesperson of the Year


Rick Berthiaume

7-Star Service Award


Tony Katzenberger

Largest % YOY Growth Region


Melissa Simon

ISA Hiring Quota


Dan Belisario

Highest Margin % YOY Increase


Tim Elrod

Best SF Business Use Implementation





Lisa Thompson (EMLI, Inc)

ISA of the Year


Bill Quandt

Salesperson of the Year


BJ Groaning

Highest Sales Dollars and YOY Dollar Increase Brand Sales


Jerry Hannah

Highest Sales Dollars and YOY Dollar Increase


Bill Quandt

Largest YOY % Increase in Sales


Mike Tolzien

Highest Sales Dollar of New SOPREMA Products


Adam Smith

Largest SOPREMA Products Sold as a            % of Sales


Bill Quandt

Largest CPO Pipeline ($)


BJ Groaning

Largest CPO Pipeline (#)


Adam Smith

Salesforce Taskmaster


Bill Quandt

Salesforce Salesperson Award


I also want to acknowledge Laura Brocklehurst (HR), Todd Jackson (Legal) and Jennifer Kramer (Marketing). They were recognized as part of the larger North American C-19 communication team with the 2021 North America Synergy Award. This team received recognition for its outstanding work in developing and deploying numerous communication elements throughout the year, including websites, bulletins, emails, posters, policies and more, to inform and educate collaborators in the United States and Canada about C-19.

While these folks were named as part of the honored committee, they could not have accomplished their projects without the support of many collaborators. Ultimately, the success of this C-19 campaign came down to everyone protecting each other. That’s 7-Star Service in action.

As I close my annual National Sales Meeting recap, I want to again share the mid-range SOPREMA vision with you; $1 billion in the United States by 2028. Make no mistake, reaching this goal will take each of us growing individually and working collaboratively every day. And, knowing what you accomplished in the “Year of the Bug Which Shall Not Be Named,” I know we can do it! 

Tim Kersey

CEO - U.S. Operations

Tim joined SOPREMA in February 2012. He has over 30 years’ experience in the roofing industry. He’s active with many industry organizations including ARMA, NRCA, IIBEC, ASTM and others. He’s the author of numerous publications covering SBS-modified bitumen and PMMA liquid technology.

A New Day In Marketing

As I onboard as the director of the department, I’m reminded of a philosophy I’ve adopted over the course of my career: “begin with the end in mind.” It’s the idea of starting any new project (or endeavor) with a clearly defined goal.

Our marketing department and marketing function is no exception: Our goal is to be the highest performing department in the company.

In today’s fast-paced world, team performance drives business performance.  No one person works (or succeeds) in a vacuum.  It is only through a collective effort that we all win. Personally, I am all about team — where everyone has a clearly defined role, and everyone is a critical component to our overall success.

As I meet and talk with fellow collaborators for the first time, an enviable corporate culture has emerged, one of teamwork, positivity, and empowerment.  SOPREMA has a great story to tell.  Our success is rooted in a growing array of products and brands.  And our future is visualized through a leadership team that empowers us all to collectively take the business to the next level.

SOPREMA’s U.S. marketing team will be responsive, creative, collaborative and strategic.  Together we will craft a living plan that outlines our brand promise and showcases how we will be instrumental in profitably growing share and helping make SOPREMA a household name.  Across all departments and functions, I encourage feedback as we strive every day to become the highest performing team we can.

Thank you for making me feel so welcome.

Jeff Guritza

Director of Marketing

Jeff joined SOPREMA in March 2021 with more than 25 years of experience in executing successful broad-based, global industrial marketing communications campaigns. In his most recent role, Guritza leveraged CRM data to enhance the customer experience and drive superior results while establishing relationships with key retailers to commercialize new products online and on-shelf.

SOPREMA & DERBIGUM Launch E-Commerce

At SOPREMA and DERBIGUM Americas, Inc., we strive to deliver 7-Star Service by providing best in industry service and best in world customer service. With that goal in mind, we are excited to announce the next step in improving our customer experience, e-commerce.

It is essential that our sales, technical, and all SOPREMA and DERBIGUM teams have a clear understanding of our goals and expectations of this new company venture. Our e-commerce efforts will act only to support our current sales channels and expand our customer base. One of our main objectives for e-commerce and our MRO (Maintenance, Repair, Operations) line of products is to expand our customer base in the building owner/facility manager segment.

We will limit our product offering through e-commerce to mostly tools and accessory products and WILL NOT include our membrane, insulation, and coverboard products.

If you have any questions on the SOPREMA or DERBIGUM e-commerce plans, please contact Jennifer Kramer at

Jennifer Kramer, APR

Senior Strategic Communications Manager

Jennifer joined SOPREMA in February 2019 as the Senior Content Strategist after working nearly 11 years at Kent State University as Director of Public Relations and having owned her own PR business. She has more than 20 years’ experience with specialties in marketing communications, content development, social media and PR management.

Training in 2020

What can I say about training in 2020? It was a year of change. It was a year of learning, teaching, coaching, encouraging and accountability.

2020 taught us that old dogs can be taught new tricks. I enjoyed being alongside all our collaborators as we learned and adapted to virtual presentations either through Teams or Zoom. 

Thank you for your hard work in all our sessions, from Virtual Onboarding to Group Presentations and AIA Certification Training. It is not easy to deliver a product presentation through a computer screen, but we have mastered it. It is not ideal to meet a new collaborator over a Teams or Zoom meeting and give them the sense of welcome as we do in person, but we did it. 

I hope that this year will allow us to get back together for in-person training sessions. But for the time being, thank you for your flexibility and being able to adapt to change. 

Pam Barnes

Learning and Development Manager

Pam started at SOPREMA in August 2017 as a Learning and Development Specialist. After transforming the company’s training program, she was promoted in December 2019 to lead learning and development nationwide. Before her time at SOPREMA, she was a senior training specialist for a major local healthcare system.

Submit 7-Star Service Nominations

Watch for collaborators providing 7-Star Service to you or others!

What is exceptional service?

  •     • Anticipating the needs of others
  •     • Going above and beyond their normal job expectations
  •     • Exceeding the customer’s expectations
  •     • Displaying a positive attitude and dedication to our organization
  •     • Adding value to our organization or that of the customer

Remember: you can find this nomination form on SharePoint. Fill it out in detail, save locally, and attach it to an email to to help us recognize our shining stars each month! Nominees will be featured each month on the Marlin boards, and prizes are awarded at year’s end!

Congratulations to recent nominees of 2021:

Nickyla Veverka Ryan Green
Bradley Wellman Scott Lampe
Lissette Messick Justin Vodika
Bobbie Wasson Jerry Winkler
Shawn Collins Dale Holler
Dustin McCalla Frank Gestring
Iggy Bernal Patrick Jewell
Kareem McKie Leo Mondragon
Antero Garcia Mike Dziadzio
Chris Davis Kevin Conti
Greg Morgan Brady Kincannon
Molly Dravenstott Kevin Gilbert


GENeration M represents a group of leaders and collaborators appointed to improve communications within the company and promote better cross-departmental collaboration. We meet monthly to share ideas and strategies to help achieve corporate goals and objectives. 


New Sales Development Team Sets High Bar for Itself

The Sales Development Team is off to a crazy fast start!

As some folks know, we kicked off a new sales department this year called The Sales Development Team, headed by Josh Harsh, who is piloting our services to the Northeast region only. Our goal is to drive significant new name business, diversify revenue streams, and proactively support sales representatives’ ability to spend more time selling. We combine all kinds of sales automation, artificial intelligence, digital marketing, outbound telemarketing, email, lead generation and nurture services.

Performance results in our first 30 days: 

    • # of CPOs (new construction project opportunities) YOY grew from 103 to 164:  +59%

  •     • CPO $ added for new projects: $13MM
  •     • # of ConstructConnect leads converted to Architects we have appointments with             and new CPOs grew YOY from 31 to 60:  +94%
  •     • # of New Name AEC Accounts we opened increased YOY from 5 to 34:  +580%
  •     • # of Secured AIA/Branded Presentations grew from 1 to 20:  +1900%

Frank Dippolito, Regional Sales Manager for the Northeast region, is driving this process and Ricky Hogshead, his first mate, has learned fast, adapted, responded, and executed like the professional he is. CONGRATS to both of you; now, let’s turn this activity into revenue!

Frank Griffith

Vice President of U.S. Sales and Marketing

Frank co-founded his first company at 26 automating law firms on the IBM PC as a VP of Sales.  He spent the next 30+ years starting up software and professional service companies from Silicon Valley to Boston, in software, telecommunications, marketing and management consulting.  He’s been with SOPREMA since 2017.

Learning Through Leading

Congratulations to Learning and Development Manager Pam Barnes for being named a member of the Kent State University Center for Corporate and Professional Development Advisory Board. 

The Center partners with area employers to meet talent development needs with customized on-site employee training and public professional development programs and certifications. It helps develop employees’ competencies in supervision, management and leadership, project management, continuous improvement and other softer skills such as dealing with conflict and change, team building, interpersonal communication skills, business writing and making presentations, among many others.

As a board member, Pam will attend regular meetings to advise the Center. She and her fellow board members from area organizations will also:

Offer input regarding adult learners’ educational needs and employees’ skill gaps.

Identify the best approaches to reach and market to adult learners and professionals.

Introduce the Center’s professionals to the community and organizational leaders.

Serve as advocates for Kent State and the Center for Corporate and Professional Development throughout Northeast Ohio.

Consider Kent State’s Center for Corporate and Professional Development as a talent and organization development resource for their organization.

Thank you, Pam, for sharing your expertise and time with an organization that believes in partnerships and continuous improvement. This sounds like 7-Star Service to me!

Laura Brocklehurst

Director of Human Resources and Organizational Development

Laura has nearly 30 years’ experience in corporate management. She joined SOPREMA in June 2010 and serves as the Director of Human Resources and Organizational Development. Prior to that, she spent more than 18 years at FirstMerit Bank as a Vice President and Regional Sales Manager.

Do You Have Zoom Fatigue?

According to a recent article by the National Roofing Contractors Association, “Zoom fatigue” has become a common phrase to describe the exhaustion or burnout caused by overusing virtual platforms of communication.

Researchers at Stanford University recently released the first peer-reviewed psychological study of Zoom fatigue, according to They discovered four different causes and helpful solutions for each.

  • Constant close-up eye contact is intense. In a typical Zoom discussion, the amount of eye contact far exceeds what you would experience during real-life interactions. Faces on a Zoom call typically are larger and closer than in real-life work discussions.
  • Solution: Minimize the face sizes of attendees into grid view, and sit back a bit to allow yourself more personal space.
  • Watching yourself during video chats is exhausting. In real life, you spend much less time looking at your reflection. Researchers cite that people are more critical of themselves when seeing their reflection, which is stressful.
  • Solution: Confirm your lighting and setup look good; then, adjust the settings to hide your view of yourself.
  • Video calls reduce our mobility. During typical in-person discussions, people move around. On Zoom, people sit immobile for hours. There’s growing research that says when people are moving, they’re performing better cognitively.
  • Solution: Create a wider visual field for your camera; for example, an external camera often allows you more space to move than a laptop camera.
  • Video calls are cognitively exhausting. Your brain works much harder to send and receive cues through a screen, leading to hours of exaggerated expressions and increased concentration.
  • Solution: When feasible, turn off your camera for breaks and turn your body away from the screen.

Shawnté Gauthier

Executive Assistant

Shawnté joined the Wadsworth SOPREMA team in March 2011 as part of the Human Resources department. Shortly after, in February of 2012, she transitioned to the role of Executive Assistant and since has been assisting the CEO – U.S. Operations, Tim Kersey.  Prior to her time at SOPREMA, Gauthier spent 12 years in the banking industry.

Email Do's and Don'ts

A new year is a time for people to reflect on their past accomplishments and set goals (resolutions) for the new year.  This is an opportune time to think about – and improve – our email (and texting) practices.  Yes, I said “texting.”  A text is really no different than an email.  Both are written records subject to discovery and use at a later date.

Following are seven best practices:

1. Understand that any email communication can become evidence in a lawsuit.

a. Every email, no matter how informal or inconsequential, can be admitted into evidence at a later date.

b. When dealing with situations that could damage the company or its reputation, it is crucial to make sure your emails are written with attention to detail and only express facts, not opinions. Better yet, use some other format to communicate.

2. Use the phone!

a. If an issue arises relating to hazards, safety, product defects, product liability, or other sensitive topics, email conversations open the door to increased risk.

b. A phone or face-to-face conversation may avoid the “smoking gun” type evidence that can come with email exchanges.

3. Never put anything in an email you would not want to be on the news or in a courtroom.

a. If you would not want your email communication republished on a huge screen in front of a jury, then go to Best Practice #2.

4. Stick to what you know and do not infer.

a. Verifiable facts, not opinions.

b. When discussing sensitive matters, rely on a third-party observation or recommendation, if available.

5. Do not assume any risk or blame.

a. If we did not cause the issue, it is never “our fault.”

b. Remember 7-Star Service. We do our best to help or assist in resolving an issue our customer is experiencing.

6. Avoid exaggeration and inflammatory language.

a. Dramatic language may be useful in getting your point across, but it can be used by a plaintiff’s attorney as well, forcing us to explain our motives. You never want to be put into that situation when it can be avoided.

b. If you read this, email “The Push Q2 2021” to GENM@SOPREMA.US for a chance to win one of three $25 Amazon gift cards.

7. Capture conclusions, agreements, or commitments in writing.

a. Sometimes it makes good sense to write something down. For example, after a phone call, send an email bullet pointing the conclusions, agreements, or commitments agreed to during the call.  Just remember, email applies to both parties, so be sure to follow up on your commitments.

b. Doing this ensures the parties are “on the same page” or reopens the conversation if there is miscommunication.

Todd Jackson

General Counsel, North America

Todd most recently joined SOPREMA in 2014, but his relationship with the company dates back to 1991. As General Counsel, his responsibilities included risk management, negotiating and documenting transaction and relationship agreements, counseling senior management, and corporate governance. He also retains an of counsel relationship with the law firm Weston Hurd in Cleveland.